  • Chrismast Decoration

    Chrismast Decoration

    7.2 1.1 2025-02-08

Christmas celebrations held by Christians

December 25 Christmas is a celebration held annually by the Christian community in commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, in which the Christian faith the birth of Jesus falls on the 25th of December. However, basically the order to organize Christmas is not in the Bible and Jesus himself never give examples or instructed his students to celebrate the anniversary of his birth.

Christmas celebrations held by Christians was brought before the Roman Catholic Church to all Christians in the world. The question arises, where do they get the teachings and initiatives such celebrations? Because Christmas is believed to be the birthday of Jesus was never mentioned in the Bible both the celebration and the date of its celebration.

Already a familiar sight in every celebration of Christmas decorations Christmas trees are generally of spruce given various ornaments and trinkets. Habits of a Christmas tree as decorations starting from Germany. Installation of a Christmas tree that is generally of spruce or fir tree shape adapting it began in the 16th century. To this day the installation of Christmas tree still raises the pros and cons among Christians. Many streams particular church, which forbids the Christmas tree tradition, because they considered this as part of the worship of the sun god. Installation of the tree is regarded as a form of idolatry. Rejection reaction was even originally had colored the German government's decision to fine anyone who put pine tree into a Christmas tree.

Whether you're setting up a series of Christmas tree to welcome Christmas celebration this year? There are many design philosophies of different Christmas trees, which cause differences in decor used. If you do not decorate the halls at home with a Christmas tree, here are some examples of photographs of Christmas trees that might inspire you.

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